How to Raise Global Learners

raising global learners

Living on a farm we don’t have the time or the means to travel. But we want our children to be global citizens. We want them to truly understand how fully they are linked to their fellow beings on this beautiful blue green planet.

When they were small we read stories, ate the foods, played the games and celebrated festivals from far-off lands. As they got older we paid close attention to a rich variety of in-depth materials that helped us discover the global fibers that run through history, art, science, literature, really through any field of interest.

More than any materials we introduce, the connections my kids find most pivotal are those they make on their own, person-to-person across any distance. For example, one of my musician sons got interested in acoustics. He joined special interest forums to talk with fellow aficionados around the world about technical details of repairing historic microphones, the artistic nuances of found sound recordings, and other topics. Friendships developed. Now they converse about everything from politics to movies. Some day, when he travels overseas, he plans to take them up on their offers to stay in New Zealand, Finland, Brazil and elsewhere. Already he’s visited friends made online in the U.S., finding the rapport they developed holds fast in person as well.

Perhaps the most important connections any of us can make are lasting, caring relationships with people who live far away. For our family, one of the most enduring relationships we made was with an effervescent girl from Belarus named Tatiana. She came as part of the medical program Children of Chernobyl. Even in her first week here, the strength of her personality more than made up for the few words of English she knew and our poor pronunciation of Russian words we thought we knew. Tatiana was horrified by my vegetarian meals, refused to participate in the activities my outdoor-loving children preferred and let us know that she hadn’t traveled so far to live like a peasant. She wanted to be entertained! Like anthropologists to our own culture, we explored shopping malls and tourist sites, we bought kids’ fast food meals for the prizes and went to amusement parks rather than wilderness areas. Tatiana displayed her brilliance in many ways, typically beating any of us at board games we’d played for years and she’d just learned. Tatiana lived with us for five summers. She became a member of our family, a family which feels to us as if it extends to Belarus.

Each connection made of understanding and caring warms our planet—but in a good way. Which leads me to recommend two new books about raising global citizens.

Growing Up Global: Raising Children to Be At Home in the World by Homa Sabet Tavangar is packed with enrichment ideas, games, service activities and resources to help raise children with the world in mind. Here are five great ideas from Tavangar’s book:

*Boost cultural understanding and fun by listening to pop music from around the world.  (I suggest using online translation to figure out the lyrics.)

*Talk about the origins and trading routes of products used every day in your home. Try tracing back a chocolate bar or t-shirt.

*Discover what foods are said to heal common health conditions. Lime juice in armpits is recommended in Paraguay to solve odor, ginger and green onion tea is recommended in China to cure a cold.

*Learn about practices for welcoming newborn babies into the family and community. Consider adapting customs to commemorate a new arrival in your family.

*Make humanitarian work a family affair. It’s possible to extend benevolent choices even to the search engine you use. Try where 100% of search revenues help alleviate urgent global issues.

And for a vigorous “go there” perspective, give The New Global Student: Skip the SAT, Save Thousands on Tuition, and Get a Truly International Education by Maya Frost a read. A cure for any but the worst helicopter parents, Frost shows how learning in other countries best prepares today’s teens for the real global workplace. That means choices resulting in self-reliant, confident and bold adults.

Here are five great perspectives from Frost’s book.

*Stories throughout by young people who live and study abroad. Frost calls them “bold statements” and they offer invigorating examples of what travel can provide.

*Why Rotary International Youth Exchange program offers the best exchange programs. Frost says it has to do with the network of volunteers around the globe providing support to families and students, the affordable price and the commitment to humanitarian work.

*The stage of life between fifteen and twenty, when pivotal life skills are being developed, the reach of our young people tends to be limited. As Frost writes, “They zero in on the fit of their jeans rather than on the fit of a cultural identity within a larger population, and they devote hours to enhancing the clarity of their skin instead of the clarity of their thinking. They are digging into a plate of pettiness because that is precisely what we’ve served them. They deserve–and are ready for–so much more.”

*How to arrange study abroad credits outside of university affiliated programs for more freedom and frugality.

*Ways to connect with helpful people in countries around the world.


May your children become global learners. May our shared home be one of peace and goodwill.

9 thoughts on “How to Raise Global Learners

  1. Laura,

    This is a wonderful post about ways parents can introduce their children to the world beyond our nation’s borders! We hosted many exchange students throughout the years, and it really gave our kids a fantastic opportunity to “see” the world without boarding a plane. Homa’s book is a treasure trove of tips for parents of younger kids, and I’m grateful that you mentioned my book as well–it really does help parents release their fear in order to give their kids a profound experience that deepens their understanding of themselves and the world.

    Hugs to you…from Uruguay!
    Maya xo


    • Maya,

      You’ve said it so wonderfully in your book but it bears repeating. To build lifelong qualities of critical thinking, resilience and innovation for teens and young adults, immersion in another culture is the way to go. We hope to be experimenting with that in the next few years. Thanks so much for sharing your tips and my favorite part of the book, the “Bold Statements” by youth making their own way.

      Hope that farm is coming along.



  2. Pingback: Carnival of Unschooled Life—April 1, 2010 « The Expanding Life

  3. Hi Laura,
    Popped over from the Carnival and love your post. Can I throw in another idea…one that not only enlightens ourselves but makes a difference in the lives of others? Compassion International. Our family has sponsored two children for about 10 years now and we consider them part of our family. We exchange photographs, have learned from the letters the kids write to us and best of all provide for two children to get an education, medical care and one guaranteed meal a day.
    There are many ‘sponsor a child’ organizations…some more trustworthy than others…so do your own research. But we do endorse Compassion.


  4. I just found your post and though you cite Growing UP Global (thank you!), I’ve also learned from your ideas. It’s also fun to be paired with Maya Frost’s book. Thanks for your thoughtful insights!
    all my best,


  5. Pingback: Spring Homeschool Carnival : The HomeSpun Life

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