What Do You Do Every Day?

What do you do every day?

That’s what people wonder about homeschoolers. Sometimes they ask us point blank, “Okay you homeschool, but what do you DO every day?”

It seems like a huge mystery that we self-compose our days, living and learning without the structure school imposes. And yes, sometimes we ask each other too because it’s too easy to get in a rut, especially when we operate from a limited concept of what it means to educate.

It’s a blessed relief to happen upon accounts of other family’s homeschooling days in Home Education Magazine as well as books such as Real Lives: Eleven Teenagers Who Don’t Go to School Tell Their Own Stories by Grace Llewellyn, Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days: Share a Day With 30 Homeschooling Families
by Nancy Lande and Homeschool Open House by Nancy Lande. Our grasp of the possibilities expand as we read each person’s perspective. We see that every homeschooling family flourishes somewhat differently. That is a freeing revelation.

The blog Homeschooling is Freedom is another place to glimpse tantalizingly different answers to “What do you do every day?” Here you can find new and archived interviews with homeschooling families. Through four simple questions, Debbie H.’s blog highlights the wonderfully flexible and enjoyable ways we learn in our own ways. Click here for some appalling revelations about the Weldon family.



Creative Commons image from Sean Dreilinger’s Flickr photostream

4 thoughts on “What Do You Do Every Day?

  1. thanks for this and all of your blogs and article! they are most refreshing and inspiring in a world of life-learning that can often feel very solitary 🙂 i need a lot of boosts…can’t wait to read your book this spring.


    • What a lovely comment. You’ve made my day!

      I zipped over to your site and am really impressed by the artistry and natural spontaneity of your photos. As someone who manages to get more awkward when a camera is aimed at me, I know photography takes more than talent. It also takes the kind of person who can bring out something from the subject. That’s a gift.


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